Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm working on episode 213 of Pokémon Gangster, but I don't know much about the fifth generation.

I want to make a big battle in the next episode, but I can't because I know almost nothing about the new generation Pokémon.

Pokémon Black was released just a few weeks ago, I will learn more about them eventually.

I can't finish the script until I've thought up all the Pokémon that will be part of this battle.

How did I learn about Pokémon? Well, I mostly learned about them through the Pokémon anime. Yeah sure, I learned about them a lot through the games, but mostly through the Pokémon anime.

I can also learn about Pokémon by spending hours on research on Bulbapedia.

Hopefully I will be able to think about all the Pokémon that make an appearance in this episode.


  1. there is no need for 5th gen pokemon at the moment. choose another pokemon and save the fifth gen pokemon for later.

  2. You're probably right I shouldn't use them yet, but I want to keep my series as up-to-date as possible.
