Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some news about my "Best movies of 2010" and "Worst movies of 2010" lists.

I mentioned earlier that on New Years Day I will be uploading the best movies of 2010 list. But making a list like that won't be an easy task, there were so many great movies that I enjoyed. Keep in mind that just because I enjoy a movie, call it awesome, and say it's worthy of being in my DVD collection doesn't mean it's one of my favorite movies of the year. This is gonna be one long article, I will mention which movies will make it and give reasons why movies that don't make it don't make it to the list. Before I begin the list let's start excluding some movies.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Even though I loved this movie, it still wasn't anywhere near as epic as Indiana Jones. It might be the best adventure movie of the year I can think of, but it isn't one of the best ones I can think of.

Alice in Wonderland
I loved this movie, but it's not one of the best fantasy movies of the year. There were better fantasy movies than this one. A lot of them which will make it to my top 15 best movies of 2010 list.

The A-Team
It was a great action flick, but not one of the best movies of the year.

The Expendables
Again, a great action flick, but not one of the best movies of the year.

Tooth Fairy
I understand why people hated the movie, but I personally enjoyed it, but not one of the best movies of the year though.

Clash of the Titans
Personally, I found this movie to be awesome, which is great because I expected it to be crap. But not one of the best movies of the year though.

Jackass 3-D
Since it has no story, I wouldn't consider it one of the best movies of the year. But I did enjoy it.

Now let's take a look at the movies that will make it to my top 15 best movies of 2010 list:

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
2. Toy Story 3
3. Iron-Man 2
4. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Gu'hoole
5. Inception
6. From Paris With Love
7. Robin Hood
8. Kick-Ass
9. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
10. Hot Tub Time Machine
11. Percy Jackson and the Olympicans: The Lightning Thief
12. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
13. The Town
14. Machette
15. The Book of Eli

There are some leftovers. Harry Brown, How To Train Your Dragon, Unstoppable, Green Zone and Red. Ah well, not all awesome movies can get on there.

There are three movies coming in December which all have a chance of replacing a movie that's already on the list. Faster, The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of Dawn, Tron Legacy and Megamind. Honestly I think Tron Legacy has the least chance of getting to the list. It looks good, but besides the visuals, I can't imagine the movie being that great. Then again, I can be surprised. I do look forward to Megamind, after that disappointment of a movie about a villain Despicable Me I hope Megamind will be an awesome movie about a villain. I doubt it will make it to my list. Half of the movies I'll see (2/4) have a great change of making it to the list.

Now for the worst list. Before I tell you what the list is, I just wanna point out that movies that I thought were decent and not above that (like Grown-Ups and Resident Evil Afterlife) don't count as bad movies. But there are some movies that were so awful they are the worst movies of the year. Those are:

1. Furry Vengeance
2. Sex and the City 2
3. The Other Guys
4. The Crazies
5. The Last Airbender
6. The Spy Next Door
7. A Nightmare on Elm Street
8. Cats and Dogs 2: Revenge of Kitty Galore

There is one thing I should mention regarding my worst list. There are several crappy movies I skipped. Those are Skyline, Vampires Suck, Twilight Eclipse, Marmaduke and Paranormal Activity 2. I might watch them some day on DVD, but I won't see them in theaters, that's for sure.

Last but not least, I'm doing well with Pokémon Gangster Part 202, it will most likely be done before weekend. That's all I gotta say people, thank you for reading and have a great day.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I will be reuploading the meeting videos in the first 2 weeks in December. (or techniclly first 3 weeks since each week starts on a Sunday)

That's right. I am leaving no surprises, it might ruin everything, but here are the videos I plan on reuploading in the first 14 days of December. Now some of you requested that I reupload the Gummi videos. But what about the other meeting videos? Surely you want to see other videos where I introduce my friends as well? Don't deny it, of course you do. So that's exactly what I plan on doing in December. Here is a list of the videos I'll be reuploading:

1: Meet my Friend, Gummi! Part 1
2: Meet my Friend, Gummi! Part 2
3: Meet my Friend, Gummi! Part 3
4: Meet my friend, Hulli Part 2
5: Meet my friend Helgi
6: Meet my friend, Beggi
7: Meet my friend, Beggi Part 2
8: Meet my cousin, Sverrir
9: Meet my grandfather Part 1
10: Meet my grandfather Part 2
11: Meet my grandfather Part 3
12: Meet my grandfather Part 4
13: Meet my grandfather Part 5
14: Meet my aunt, Brynja

Of course that's not all of them, there are a few others that I didn't mention. Such as meet my mother, meet Alex, and more. But those will be reuploaded next year. As for videos reuploaded this month. Well, I'm gonna reupload "I still believe in Santa" later today since it's relevant today since it's almost Christmas. Tomorrow it's the troll video since a lot of people enjoyed it (that's no exaggeration) and the last day of November it will be the DVD update for Crank: High Voltage.

Don't worry, just because I'm reuploading some of my old shit doesn't mean there won't be any new content. Besides Pokémon Gangster and my movie reviews, there will be more new content. I already mentioned in the previous blog what the new content will be, but if you're not bothering to read that blog I will tell you in this blog. Santa will come to visit. And I might go back to play Gruntz. (I know nobody watches those videos, but I make them anyway, because I enjoy playing Gruntz. And who knows, maybe I'll do a review on the game, people might not be interested in my commentaries, but I'm sure as hell they'll be interested in my review.)

A DVD update video to show you what I got for birthday present will be posted this Wednesday. Also another video that I did plan on uploading but couldn't because I don't have my camera back is a DVD update for Planet 51. The reason I want my camera is because I also want to post some skit into that update like I did to my Robin Hood and Crank High Voltage video, you know to make it more than just a DVD update video.

Other videos I have in mind for December are:
A video about Transformers 3
Why I won't be seeing Arthur 3: The War of 2 Worlds in theaters

That's about it. Thank you for reading and have a great day.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How I spent my Thanksgiving.

Hello guys. I just wanna say happy thanksgiving. Now then, it's time to tell you how I spent my thanksgiving, but first check this video out, it's an episode of Pokémon Gangster that takes place on Thanksgiving. Enjoy.

I hope each and every one of you enjoyed this video. Now then, I invited four guests to celebrate thanksgiving with, Brynja, Gummi, Lydía Líf, my father, my sister, my brother and of course Helgi. Unfortunately Helgi couldn't make it there. (for those of you who don't know who Helgi is, he did appear in my The Losers review, he also appears in Meet my Friend Helgi which I haven't reuploaded yet, but I will reupload it soon) But I ate a turkey of course, and drank coca-cola with it.

It's been great thanksgiving, one of the absolute best ones I've had. I hope you guys had a great one too. Now I'm gonna end this article by asking you, yes YOU, how did you celebrate your thanksgiving? Did you have a great one? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Thank you for reading and have a great day.

In other news: I'm currently working on the script for the next episode of Pokémon Gangster. I don't know when it will be ready, but if we're lucky it will be out in November.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I am so pissed off right now that I just have to make a blog about it.

My camera is still being repaired. It really bothers me that I'm not able to use my camera. The camera better get fixed soon, because those audio-only reviews are horrible. What's the point in reviewing a movie if I can't show my true emotions regarding the movie with my face?

Goddamn it, I want my camera back so much!!!!!!! Hopefully I will get it back before my birthday.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Videos I have in mind for the future.

I know I said I wouldn't make an article about movies coming out next month but I will still talk about upcoming movies in my blog.

I hope my camera will be back on Monday, and will connect to my computer if not I need to buy a new one. Let's all hope that won't happen.

I ordered Planet 51 on DVD, but won't count it as part of my DVD collection until I have made a video that's a DVD update for that. Anyway, I will make a video as soon as I can about the Planet 51 DVD. (and like my Robin Hood DVD update, I will add some stuff in to make the video more entertaining)

In December I will be uploading a video that's my thoughts of the upcoming Transformers 3 movie, I will also be talking about how I find the Transformers series to be unappreciated series.

As for movies, for the rest of the year I will only watch Christmas movies on DVD. I will still watch other movies in theaters.

Before I go talk about movies I look forward to seeing I just wanna let you guys know that on new years day (January 1) I will be making two videos. One is the best movies of 2010 (which will be 15) and the other is the worst movies of 2010. It won't be easy to make a top 15 list since there are so many movies that came out in 2010 that I loved.

Now it's time to talk about movies I'll be reviewing soon. As I said I will only be watching Christmas movies on DVD for the rest of the year. But in January there are some movies I plan on reviewing. Those are: Little Nemo and Borat. (which I consider to be the worst movie of last decade.) For February or at the end of January I will be reviewing the Super Mario Bros. movie, if it will be available on DVD on the DVD rental I usually go to by then. If not, no worries, I'm in no rush watching that movie.

Now I'll go back to talk about videos I'll be uploading in December. I will be making a video titled "Santa Claus comes to visit!" which will be me talking to Santa Claus in a video.

As for movies in theaters, I look forward to Yogi Bear and Devil. I just hope both of them will come shortly, because I don't like waiting months for those movies. But then again, I'm in no rush seeing those two movies. I also look forward to Tron Legacy, the second part of the Harry Potter finale, the Smurfs movie, the Green Lantern, Transformers 3, Megamind and Gulliver's Travels. As for movies I'm not looking forward to and I will skip in theaters, that is the third and final movie of the Arthur and the invisible series. The second one was a huge disappointment with a misleading title. And I have a feeling that the third one will be even worse.

As for videos to re-upload. I won't be re-uploading any videos where I talk about the Pokémon World, instead I will have the video where I ask if I should as a featured video on my channel the entire December month. And if more people say "yes" than "no" I will re-upload them in January. I will be re-uploading the meeting videos in December and at the end of November since several people requested them. Along with DVD updates, and some others.

That is all, people.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My camera is now being repaired.

That's right, my father drove the camera somewhere to get it repaired. Hopefully I will be able to connect it again when it has been repaired.

I hope it will get repaired shortly, because I don't really like my audio only reveiws.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Starting from November 15, I will be re-uploading all of my Coca-Cola videos, including the one titled "Coca Cola Is The Best Drink In The World."

That's right, I read the requests, and some people want to see my Coca-Cola videos again. And you will. I will be uploading one video a day.

I know some of you want to see my Gummi videos, and I just wanna ask you to wait patiently. Like I said in an earlier video I will only be uploading a few videos at a time.

As for new content, well, I will be uploading reviews on Christmas movies, and I will also be working on Pokémon Gangster and upload the episodes to my other account.

Now I hope I will reach 100 subscribers on my new account before my birthday, if I want that I have to upload some entertaining videos. Hopefully my Coca-Cola videos will be enough to make people wanna subscribe to my videos. If not, that's ok, because I have said that subscriber amount has nothing to do with how a good the channel is. Scoprion1o4 still has less than 50 subscribers, and he's one of the best commentators out there in my opinion. Hell, he's even on my recommended list.

That's all I gotta say for this blog.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I know it's been a while, but there is one thing I wanna say. I won't decide beforehand what movies I'll see this month.

That's right, the reason I won't do that anymore is because if I do that I might miss out movies that I find better than the movies I decide. Movies usually come here in Iceland over a month late, yes, but that doesn't mean I have seen reviews for all of them, sometimes the movies come a week or a few weeks late. Sometimes (but VERY rare) they come out earlier than the US. (I'm not talking about Icelandic movies but American movies that come early.)

So yeah, that's basically it. I know this article is short, but I just had to get this out of my mind.